Categories: EnergySleep

Put Perimenopausal Fatigue and Poor Sleep to Bed

Does this (lack of) sleep story sound familiar to you? 

The alarm goes off. You groan. You had the worst night’s sleep and your whole body feels – in a word – exhausted. 

You drag yourself out of bed. You’ve got too much stuff to do. There’s no way you can just stop. 

The exhaustion comes in waves throughout the day. But mostly you just power through until you drop into bed. Way later than you probably want – or should. 

Ahhhh finally, it’s time to rest… but the sleep doesn’t come. 

You lay there wrecked – yet somehow unable to drift off. 

Desperately wondering: How is it possible to be so exhausted and yet simultaneously so wired?

Well for women over 35 – I may just have the answer. 

Book A Clarity Call!

The real reason behind those restless nights 

So you may have already made the correlation. 

Perhaps you’ve noticed the onset of your troubled sleep has come with other obvious symptoms such as irregular periods, hot flushes or night sweats. 

But if not, you have come to the stage of life where you’re transitioning into perimenopause. And there are multiple reasons why perimenopause could be impacting the quality of your sleep. 

Night sweats: this one might seem obvious. Because if you wake up in a puddle of sweat, of course you’re not going to have the best night’s rest. 

But underlying this uncomfortable symptom is the up-and-down nature of your estrogen levels alongside your steadily declining progesterone. 

Confused ‘sleep hormones’: Leptin, ghrelin, insulin and cortisol levels all contribute to a great night’s sleep – and are all impacted by the fluctuating sex hormones in perimenopause: estrogen and progesterone. 

Estrogen and serotonin: Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter for regulating our circadian rhythm (ie: your body clock)

Estrogen plays an important role in the metabolism of serotonin and other sleep neurotransmitters – so again, its fluctuating levels can cause havoc on your rest. 

So how do you get that beauty rest back?

Well the good news is – as vast and confusing as all the above issues sound – there is a somewhat simple solution. 

As you just learned, the predominant challenge is the constant changes in your estrogen levels. So we want to support your body to handle this better. 

One more thing about estrogen

So the last piece of the puzzle is this: fluctuating estrogen can have a significant impact on the good bacteria in your gut. 

This bacteria plays a big role in the metabolism, production and delivery of all of the above-mentioned hormones and neurotransmitters. 

So it makes sense that in order to deal with these sleep disturbances – you need to support your gut. 

And the best way to do that is to start with a anti-inflammatory diet and we have got a 5-day meal plan to get you started.  Click the image below to download your copy now.

This diet will help you to get your rest, reduce any anxiety and increase your energy levels. 

So you can get back to enjoying a good night’s rest. 

Dr Kirstey Holland

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